The Little Loo Legends

Toilet Training

Take the hassle out of toilet training and help your child become a Little Loo Legend.

This toilet training kit makes learning to use the toilet clear, predictable and fun as your child’s face becomes the main character.

Your personalised kit includes three powerful resources that puts your child in the picture and makes them the hero of their own story.


Each personalized kit includes:

  • A highly engaging 60 second animated video
  • A beautifully illustrated ebook
  • A set of visual cue cards that map out the learning journey step by step
  • A FREE copy of our Toilet Training Guide

Now Available!

We are here to help

We think learning to use the toilet should be simple, but for many families it can be frustrating and exhausting. The accidents, excess laundry and confusion about why your child just isn’t getting it, can make toilet training feel like a nightmare.

With all the different information out there about toilet training, it can be hard to know where to start and who to listen to. Relieve your frustration and speed up the process with our personalised teaching tools. Let your child see their own success.

The process:

  • Select your character
  • Upload your photo
  • Download your personalised kit


An animated video showing your child mastering their toileting quest.


A beautifully illustrated eBook telling the story of your child’s toileting success.


A set of visual cue cards to stick on the toilet wall to make the steps easy to remember and complete. Print a set for Grandma’s house too!



  • The book can be read as an eBook on your smartphone or tablet, or printed to create a physical momento.
  • The video can be enjoyed digitally on your chosen device.
  • The visual cue cards can be printed to stick on display in the toilet, acting as a quick guide to the steps involved.

Now all that’s left to do is create your kit, engage your child, and develop everyday skills.

Why Personalise ?

Including a photo of your child in our books and videos injects a sense of fun and helps them connect with the learning. This personal touch unlocks motivation and confidence to have a go at new skills, like never before.

How it Works

Our products gently prepare and guide your child (and you!) to understand the steps involved in toileting.

Watching themselves complete the process, creates a sense of predictability about what to expect and reduces worry about trying something new.

We recommend the book and video become a part of your child’s daily life, viewed any time they would usually read books or watch videos. Why not cuddle up on the couch and enjoy it together?



My child already wees but doesn’t poo in the toilet. Will the Little Loo Legends Toolkit help?

Yes! Though it is also essential to consider why they may be refusing to poo in the toilet. For example, constipation, disliking the splash of water when using the toilet, or dealing with changes in the family with the arrival of a new sibling. It’s important we address these areas first where possible. Speak to your health care provider if constipation/ very runny poos is an area of concern.

After considering the “why” and supporting where you can, our products will help your child create a new understanding of themselves going to the toilet and some of the things they may encounter e.g “a poo can make a little splash in the water”. As they watch themselves being successful using the toilet, their toileting confidence will build.

Finally, it is pretty common for children to master wees on the toilet before poos, and that up to 1 in 5 children will refuse to poo on the toilet. So if this is your child, know you're not alone.


What age is the Little Loo Legends Toolkit suitable for?

We recommend the Little Loo Legends Kit for children aged about 18 months to 8 years based on the age of the child represented in the images.


Will the Little Loo Legends Toolkit help my child with a disability/ learning delays?

Absolutely! Visual tools have been shown to support children with disabilities and varied developmental needs. The Little Loo Legends Toolkit is based on teaching methods used in video modeling, Social Stories™ and visual cue cards which have a strong evidence base, especially for autistic learners. Some of the other diagnoses our tools support include global developmental delay, intellectual disability, chromosomal microdeletions and Down Syndrome.

Using our kits helps to make going to the toilet predictable and each step clear. We added in a detail to help notice body cues when they need to go to the toilet, we highlighted possible sensory experiences like the temperature of the toilet seat and the equipment that they will use to support the process. We know how important all of these elements are.

Your child can watch the video or read the books over and over to really cement their understanding of the toileting process or you can focus on one step at a time. Our kit helps build confidence and is so motivating because children love watching themselves!


There are only two gender choices; boy and girl. We want to ensure this toolkit will still be suitable for my child.

The Loo Legends resource kits have been developed to be as inclusive as possible for every child in regards to gender.

The two available gender choices relate to the appearance of genitals which are subtly displayed in the products. There are no other gendered pronouns throughout the resources.

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